I love going to the market, but I always seem to get in trouble. I see something, and I instinctively reach for it, and…whoops, I’m busted. Even after living here for nearly three years, I still sometimes forget some of the cardinal shopping rules. Then I get yelled at in French.
Hey, it’s still early, y’all. Give a cowgirl a break.
It’s not that I mind handing out my Cowgirl Chef bizness cards — I do it all the time — but I especially love it when someone finds out about me by chance.
Amy Severson, the wife of Jim Severson at Sevy’s in Dallas, has been blogging since last July about “food, the food business and cookbooks,” — she has more than 1,000! — and yesterday, she posted a little Q&A with me.
A big ‘ol thank yew to Amy for thinking of me over here in Paris, and for spreading the taco love.
Her blog: The Dallas Cookbook.
Check it out, y’all.
After a long sleep to recover from the flight, I hopped into my mom’s truck, and went to the K. Roger store in town (that’s Kroger to most of y’all) for some provisions — Fritos, BBQ Honey Fritos, Dr. Pepper, a squeeze bottle of Hershey’s syrup, Little Debbie Nutty Bars for my brother, some taters to smash for dinner (to go with Mom’s meatloaf), and the latest issue of Texas Monthly.
That ought to tide me over for a day or two.
For those of you who have already seen the little article about me in the current issue of Food Arts magazine, I’m sorry to hit you with this again, but dang it, good press like this doesn’t come along that often, and when it does,I just gotta toot my horn while the horn’s there for tootin’.
The other day I was chatting with one of my best friends here, who works for the American Embassy, and had just been shopping at the PX, where they have all sorts of American food staples.
For awhile, it was anything caramel with sea salt – I bought bags of artisanal caramels wherever I could find them, came up with a recipe for fleur de sel pots de crème, poured jars of Crème de Saladou, a salty caramel spread, over ice cream – but now, I’m all about the humble Belgian spice cookie, the little speculoo. (Fun to say out loud, isn’t it? Give it a try. See what I mean?)