Ho Ho Ho.

In case you’ve wondered where I’ve been, that’s a long story. Let’s just say that I’m glad this year is almost over.
2014, get outta here. Scram, you.
It wasn’t all terrible, though. I wrapped up the year with a fabulous weekend at Lake Austin Spa Resort, which, no matter what, always seems to put me right back on track — and I’m not saying this just because I had a much-needed “age-defying facial,” but being there reminded me how much I love teaching and cooking, and sharing all of my goofy stories. My goal for 2015? To be even sillier. Consider yourselves warned.
I’m also in the midst of another big change. After months of schlepping back and forth from DFW airport to Charles De Gaulle, I’ll be settling into a new apartment in Paris next week. It’s bright and cheerful and is on a small, quiet street with vine-covered Art Deco buildings. The market is a five-minute walk away. The Bois de Boulogne is even closer. Rose is looking forward to speaking in her native language again and playing with her best friend Ulysses, a flatcoat Labrador who lives nearby. I can’t wait to unpack my bags and uncork the Champagne.
In February I’ll be teaching cooking classes again — in my own Paris kitchen — and doing my flea market (and baguette-eating) tours, too. See the above TOURS link for details, or just shoot me an email at info@cowgirlchef.com.
Merry Christmas, everyone, and onward to 2015. Let’s show 2014 how it’s done.