Homeward Bound: Le Texas Tour

My suitcase is sitting near the door, and it’s not packed yet, but it will be soon.
I’m coming home to teach another big round of cooking classes all over our great state of Texas. Yay, yay, yay!!!! I’m so excited I can hardly stand it.
As usual, it’ll be a bit of a whirlwind, but I’m up for it – are you? Get out your calendar — here’s where I’m gonna be:
First part of December, I’ll be teaching at Central Market — and the recipes I’ll make are a sneak preview of what you’ll find in my new book, which I’ll tell you all about later. All delicious, fun and easy to make…AND they go oh so nicely with Champagne. Just click here, then scroll down to the city of your choice on the pulldown bar on the right side of the page to find out more and to book a class.
Dallas Lovers Lane, December 8
Fort Worth, December 9
San Antonio, December 10
Houston, December 11
But wait, there’s more: I’ll also be at Lake Austin Spa Resort on Saturday, December 19, with a healthy menu of more great recipes from my new book. Need a quick girlfriends getaway before the holidays? Of course you do. Come! Spa!
Let’s cook up some fun this December.