I Found a Boo-Boo


I am a mad, crazy do-it-again and again recipe tester. As anyone should be who decides to write a cookbook. As much as I love surprises, I don’t want a surprise when I follow a recipe, line-by-line and letter by letter, and it turns out differently than it should.

So you turn in your manuscript and wait for it to come back in the chosen typeface. You proofread and proofread until your eyes are blurry and things no longer make sense. You turn in your marked-up pages and hope hope hope that there are no mistakes.

But dang it, I found one, big as Texas, right there on page 66. Please everyone make a note: the Slice & Bake Hazelnut Chocolate Chip Cookies need 1 AND 1/4 cups of flour — not just 1/4 cup as the recipe states. I tell you this because you will want to make these cookies. They are divine and one of my favorite cookies in the book (please don’t tell the others). Best I can figure, the “1” got lopped off somewhere long the way, because it reads “1/4 cups,” which in itself sounds odd. So please make this adjustment, and please accept my apologies.

I’m so sorry, y’all.
