No Recipe: Peach-Basil Popsicles



What do you do with a big ‘ol box of scratch-and-dent peaches (for just $20!) from Ham’s Orchard in Terrell?

Make peach popsicles, that’s what.

Those slightly overripe, still perfectly good peaches are perfect for popsicles, and there’s absolutely nothing to it. You peel and pit as many peaches as you’d like (in my case, about 6 or so, which was about a half a blenderfull), throw in a couple of leaves of fresh basil, some maple syrup (I used about 3/4 cup, but taste as you go), pour into popsicle molds and freeze.

Because there’s no added liquid, these are all-fruit, and all good for you. I ended up making seven popsicles, but one more peach could’ve gotten me to eight. Next time…which just may be tomorrow. These are going fast.


